Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Some random pictures I took a while ago, that I found on my computer...

Seems like waiting is the theme of my life right now lol. So many good things I have to look forward to, but the wait is getting to me! I am very impatient when it comes to most things - so waiting to hear back from employers, waiting to move, waiting to figure this thing out, and waiting to know what's going to happen is testing the most basic of virtues with me. I'll manage, it's a good wait, and very exciting. I just need to calm myself down, and leave it in the hands of the One who can make it all happen. I got faith in ya, big guy ;)

A not-so-exciting wait, that I'm dealing with, is that I couldn't see the midnight showing of Breaking Dawn - which sucked because I was on a midnight showing streak with the Twilight movies (excluding the first one). Everyone is talking about it. I don't want anything to ruin it for me! I hate spoilers! I have heard it was the best one thus far, and I'm bursting at the seams to get to the theatre. I'm waiting though, to see it until this weekend. I literally cannot WAIT. I have a really long weekend off, and I'm so eager to kick back and relax with good company, good food, and no real plans :)

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