Saturday, January 15, 2011


I must admit, I do my fair share of blog scouring. I am always up for a good laugh, beautiful pictures, or fresh ideas. Today was different... I think I stumbled upon something wonderful!

His name is Charlie.

The Pioneer Womans Website is loaded with stuff, cooking, gardening, blah, blah.... The best part is this sweet little baby, and a BLOG completely devoted to him. She takes AMAZING photos and seems to capture priceless moments. I absolutely fell in love with Charlie and her way of  presenting us with his personality.

I hope you can all check out this adorable blog about a pioneer woman who lives on a ranch with her children, her husband (AKA the Marlboro Man), and her pets. Charlie is 110% captivating. You won't be able to get enough!

Here is the link to her site, directly to her blogs about Charlie:
The Pioneer Woman - Charlie

Here is the link to her main webpage:
The Pioneer Woman

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