Thank you.
For showing me how beautiful life can be.
For slowly leading me out of my darkness and into your light.
Thank you for all the little ways you make my heart sing.
for all the big ways you make my world a brighter, better place.
Thank you for being honest, brilliant, and kind.
Thank you for being patient, and slow to love.
Thank you.
for your strong passion, and confident desires.
... for your soft tone, and firm mind.
Thank you for your delicacy.
Thank you for letting me into your world, and allowing me to stand next to you.
Thank you
...for sometimes - letting me stand behind you, and when necessary, pushing me to stand in front.
Thank you for challenging me, and listening to my words.
Thank you for appreciating my mind and encouraging my creativity.
Thank you
For pushing me to dream and display the best parts of me.
For accepting my imperfections, and helping me realize my worth.
Thank you.
For all that you have taught me,
all that you have shown me,
and for all that you will.
I am forever changed because of you.
For that, I thank you
For that, I love you.