Monday, July 30, 2012


Better late then never, right?

The day I got in, the family, babe and I went to a nice dinner - obviously it was around the 4th of July so after my parents said their goodbyes, we had a little packing to do and then we drove around the small neighborhoods holding hands and enjoying the little firework shows the neighborhoods had on display.

The next day we had a sporadic change of plans (YOLO) so we went to lunch and ran some errands, along with the babe getting one of her tattoos finished.
This was such a great trip. We got a hotel the night before we left so we could get up and get on the road early...

the girls were SO good - I couldn't have asked for them to behave any better!


baby napping with panda :)

OW! you know what this is right?!

About half way in we decided (another random change in plans) to get another hotel. Prank phone calls, "crazy" alarms, and a hardcore laugh attack during an attempted massage made this hotel stay a memorable one! lol

"...and i got up and handled business"
*Do not Disturb*

so green and lush

Tagged each gross public gas station restroom like highschool kids

Crazy butt

Don't ever let go <3

As mentioned before, if I get a chance to post more I certainly will... I left out alot due to time constraints!! busy busy busy!

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